Saudi Arabia and Syria: the situation in the Middle East to change ...

Middle East One decipher the situation vector - The University of ...

Saudi Arabia and Syria: the situation in the Middle East to change ... Middle East turmoil appears to be no stopping treatment. Force of expansion and diffusion of [Islamic countries] in Iraq and Syria, intervention by neighboring regional power and the civil war in Yemen and Libya, the penetration of extremist armed groups in the conflict areas advance on the fly. Iran is in reaction to compromise to the United States in the nuclear negotiations, Saudi Arabia and Israel increase the vigilance. Regional conflict and the forces that are parent Iran and the eyes, and the forces against them, wage a proxy war, which has received the support of regional powers such as Saudi Arabia. In this way increases the uncertainty, but the situation in the Middle East to intensify the opacity, but not at all of disorder and chaos. 0 years [Arab Spring] is to the previous state of upheaval of the countries internal affairs of Middle East politics was sparked certainly not be able to return longer, Who what will look like a new regional order not yet forecast can be. However, in the confusion, I think that a certain logic and direction are gradually beginning to see.

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