Saudi Arabia and Syria: the situation in the Middle East to change ...

Middle East complex crisis - the situation in the Middle East is ...

Saudi Arabia and Syria: the situation in the Middle East to change ... Why is the situation in the Middle East or the complicated about this? It is a lot of ethnic, sectarian, that local forces are crowded, are related and that at stake is more than one treaty that begins in Sykes = pico agreement. In addition, he intervention of major powers is to complicate the situation in the United States and Russia, but a series of circumstances, history, the background, Mr. Haruo Public University Corporation Tokyo Metropolitan University President Shimada is commentary. IS and terrorism that plunged the world anxiety I would like to talk about the world anxiety to bring the Middle East complex crisis. And say what it is happening now, it is the IS and terrorism. In retrospect, for example 0 years, a newspaper in France was attacked. Same years, now is done and people of entertainment facilities, died a lot of people. It was there is terrorism in Bangladesh, was also done Brussels airport. There was a terror to 0 years in Germany, but a dozen people were killed. Thing is is not there more and more.

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