Saudi Arabia and Syria: the situation in the Middle East to change ...

And decipher the situation in the Middle East, the University of ...

Saudi Arabia and Syria: the situation in the Middle East to change ... Currently, the risk of globalization, is said to have spread. Given what risk is, the fundamental issue of the [identity]. In other words, the fact that [someone risk of for the]. When you think about the risk, be taken as a clear identity, it is important to clarify whether the risk of for everyone. The need to decipher the socio-cultural background behind to deal with cyber attacks With a focus on cyber security, the time to think about dealing with security issues, along with the advance technical deal, by reading the socio-cultural or political context in the placed environment, the location of the risk to accurately early it is important to recognize. Let's take the Middle East situation is my specialty as an example. Middle East is in the period of change after 2.0 years. In the Middle East to 0 years, political change, so-called [Arab Spring] began. In certain countries, suppression, inconvenience, injustice, for example economic opportunities dissatisfaction is a problem that has not been evenly distributed was the explosion.

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