Saudi Arabia and Syria: the situation in the Middle East to change ...

The situation in the Middle East and correspondence of Japan to complicate

Saudi Arabia and Syria: the situation in the Middle East to change ... Iran's nuclear development issues, reconstruction, such as the situation in the Middle East of the new government was established, but not in sight earlier Iraq has deepened the confusion. Currently, Japan is dependent 0 of crude oil imports to the Middle East. Looking at the proved reserves, there are about of crude oil in the Middle East, and to concentrate Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates countries. From the fact that most of the crude oil is in the Middle East, it is difficult to decrease the amount of crude oil dependence on Japan of the Middle East. Be ensured safe and stable to the energy resources of the region, it is a lifeline for the stability and development of the Japanese economy, which is Japan's national interest. However, although this foreign national interest in terms of stable supply of the energy source is consistent, national interests related to various Middle East problem is slightly different. In addition, the remarkable China's economic growth, looking at the movement of oil and natural gas energy security by India, etc.

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